Friday, February 8, 2019

Is My Child Too Sick for School?

Within the past week, we have had to send home several sick students who have actually come to school sick.  Since we understand that it can sometimes be difficult to determine whether or not a child is too sick for school, Nurse Salcedo would like to share with families some additional information to be considered when making that decision.  If you have additional questions, please contact the nurse at 803.419.2226 ext. 30011.

Important questions to ask yourself when your child is sick
1.     Does your child’s illness keep him/her from comfortably taking part in activities?
2.     Does your sick child need more care than the staff can give without affecting the health and safety of other children?
3.     Could other children or the teacher get sick from being near your child?

If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes”, please keep your child home.

Your child should also stay home for the following:

  • Fever of 100 degrees or more: Please keep your child home for 24 hours after temperature returns to normal (98.6 degrees with thermometer) without fever reducing medicine (Tylenol or Motrin).
  • Vomiting or diarrhea: Please keep your child home until 24 hours after the last episode (without the use of medicine).  If no improvement, please see a doctor for evaluation.
  • Rash: If the cause is unknown, please check with your physician BEFORE sending your child to school.
  • Flu-like Illness: We are working with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) to control the spread of flu. Please keep your child home if they have Cough, Sore Throat, or a Fever over 100 degrees and please have them evaluated by your physician.

Thank you for your assistance in keeping students and staff at Polo Road Elementary School healthy, because we know that healthy children learn better!

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